Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saving Money with workbooks

Anyone who has one homeschooler much less two knows how important it is to save money.  I think the workbooks can be cute and good for the just kills me to use one page and recycle it.  I bought a laminator to help this issue so the kids could reuse it with dry erase markers.  At one of my preschooling homeschoolers group events a mom brought up the idea of using sheet protectors instead.  Could it be that easy?  Yes.

 I bought a big Preschoolers Workbook at Walmart for about $10 but Amazon has it too:

I have to admit, I had to bribe Princess B to write so I could take this picture.  She likes to write in private...on my walls, the patio, my car, the toilet seat (???) so I only have dry erase or washable pens in my house. 
 I am so excited one of the twins is a lefty!  It has everything to do with me being a lefty, I think our baby is going that direction as well.  At least I'm aware of issues she'll run into with scissors and dry erase markers.

They really look forward to doing these "mazes", since they can do them over and over I don't mind giving these to them as often as they ask for them. 
We don't do workbooks everyday, or even weekly.  I let the kids ask for them, I like to learn thru play so if they think this is fun, then we'll do it.  Once the get bored they did in their heels and we move onto something else...its not hard to find something else they'd enjoy!

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