
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Diary Tour - FIELD TRIP!!!!

 As a homeschooler I am constantly asked, "How do you socialize your kids?"  behind the question is that second question, "How will they be normal"...maybe not, but I feel like its next.  I politely smile and just remember that our social calendar is so booked with playdates, field trips, scouting adventures with our troop, and learning dates that I barely have enough gas money to get to the dollar store.  I used to set aside our mornings for some version of structured learning.  Considering all my appointments for the kids are before noon I've had to move our "structured" learning to after 2pm.  Which is fine, baby sister is taking a nap, I can truly focus.

One of the highlights of homeschooling, we get the BEST field trips!  Schools book them up pretty fast, but being that I'm at home I can make arrangements very quickly and I know my group is flexible.  The downside?  We often get mixed in with school groups.  Not to sound like I've mounted a high horse, but the kids are pretty unruly in the school groups (hey, even I can remember that far back: the pure excitement of being out without mom, knowing there's one adult per 15-20 kids...its natural) and I'm a little less then excited with some of the new vocabulary words my daughters learn while grouped with them.  The pure joy on their faces when they've seen my horrified face as they test drive these new phrase to their playgroup friends is, well...uncomfortable.  Not just because I'm the main organizer of these groups, but geez, do they have to say it so loud?! 

I did find the "Holy Guacamolie" super cute and although I'm sure I was supposed to be shocked but the pile drive and head lock moves they attempted on each other after this Anderson Dairy Tour was camera worthy.  They're twins, I think their supposed to wrestle each other???  Mind do!

In my homeschooling group we thought it would be fun to take the kids to the Anderson Dairy Tour.  I was amazed at how well all our kids did sitting in a big group of kids, watching the dairy show, walking with the group, and waiting for ice cream.  Now when we go to UT to visit family the kids yell out at every cow, "Milk, Cheese, Yogurt"  I do mean EVERY COW.  I love it, it reminds me to talk about life cycles, different cows, farming, how to process cheese, etc...  When in UT we actually get to hike near cows that are let out to graze, they have the big horns (the boys) and are actually territorial.  This city girl was reduced to squealing as they approached us AND as to my horror a dragon fly landed On Me (so much prettier from a distance) and kept buzzing.  My girls weren't sure what to scream at so they just laughed at me, thank goodness.

To my surprise the girls were intrigued by the factory workers and the assembly belt - they stood at this window as the group progressed onto the next step.  I could hear the leader so I knew what to tell the girls as they moved onto the next step.  It pays to have friends pick up where I slack off, my girlfriend of 4 BOYS (there's a set of twins in there as well) watched my baby as I hung back with my girls.  I have the best preschool homeschooling group!
The girls and group had so much fun we'll be doing this one on a regular basis!  Thank you Anderson Dairy!

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